Product novelty 18. April 2024

Ultra-stable resonator cavities with high finesse

LAYERTEC has added ultra-stable high-finesse cavities to its product range. These precision assemblies connects two highly reflective mirrors made of either quartz glass or ULE. These mirrors are individually optimized to the desired wavelengths, degrees of reflection and transmittance. In particular, the resonator optics are designed to achieve reflection values of up to 99.999% at 1540 nm and 99.998% at 700 nm, with a transmission of just 5 ppm.

The core structure of the cavity is held by a spacer made of ULE, which can also be adapted to specific customer requirements in terms of geometry and material. LAYERTEC ensures a finesse between 250,000 and 300,000 at 1540 nm, reflecting the exceptional performance of the assembly.

The components are assembled using optical contacting and laser welding, so no additional adhesives are required. This method increases the mechanical stability of the cavity and is therefore suitable for applications requiring high precision and long-term reliability of optical performance.